Quadball Rules & Expectations​
What is Quadball?
Goal of the game, score more points than the other team by throwing the volleyball through any of the 3 hoops belonging to the other team
Why Quadball?
Great coed game that promotes teamwork, strategy, and healthy competition an a fun, creative new game
What is the purpose of these sticks?
Different coloured sticks determine different roles/rules for each member of a team
Having to run around with the stick between your legs (got to be a better way to say that…) and one hand on it at all times, levels the playing field because of how hard basic skills like throwing and catching become
How to begin the game
8 players from each team start on the court
4 guys and 4 girls must start each game (whenever possible or as close to these numbers if not possible)
Rest of the team sits on the bench
Within the starting 8, 4 players will start as chasers (using yellow sticks), 3 players will start as beaters (using red sticks), and 1 person will start as keeper (using no stick)
To begin the game, each of the 8 starting players from both teams must mount their quadball stick and stand with one hand against their back wall
When the whistle blows, the game begins
Role of the chasers
Each team's chasers are trying to score and prevent goals by interacting with the volleyball
ONLY chasers and keepers can interact with the volleyball
CANNOT interact with dodgeballs
With the volleyball, a chaser can freely move around the gym (their movement is not limited to a certain number of steps)
Chasers can (and should) pass to each other to try and get closer to the other team's scoring hoops
If the ball is dropped, anyone can pick it up and continue play
On defense, chasers cannot slap, grab, or attempt to steal the ball but are encouraged to block, intercept, and play positional defense to prevent their opponents from scoring
Role of the beaters
Each team's beaters are trying to make it harder for the other team to score and strategize by interacting with the dodgeballs and hitting opponents with them
ONLY beaters can interact with dodgeballs
CANNOT interact with volleyball
With a dodgeball, beaters can freely move throughout the gym and attempt to throw a ball at any opponent (except a keeper) thereby eliminating them and forcing them to switch off the court with another player from their team
Ball must be thrown (no tagging)
Must be a direct hit (no bouncing off the floor)
If the ball hits the person OR the stick, that player is out
If a beater is holding onto a dodgeball they CAN block another dodgeball coming at them with the one they are holding onto
Beaters cannot catch a thrown dodgeball
To ensure that the beater does not have TOO MUCH power there a 4 different coloured dodgeballs
Once a beater throws a dodgeball they MUST choose a different coloured dodgeball to throw
Role of the keeper
The keeper must protect the 3 possible scoring targets (standing hoops) from the other team by using any part of their body to block or deflect a thrown volleyball
A keeper must stay within their crease (marked out by pylons) at all times
Only the keeper is allowed inside the crease
Keepers cannot be eliminated by dodgeballs, and can only interact with the volleyball
Goals can be scored from either side of the crease so keepers need to pay attention to both the front and the back of the hoops
After a goal is scored, it is the keeper's ball and they can make a free pass to a chaser on their team
After 6 minutes of play, each team will reset the field to have 4 guys and 4 girls, and also have the opportunity to switch keepers if they wish
When you get hit
Immediately drop any ball you may be in possession of (if you make a pass with the volleyball before going off, the other team automatically gets possession of the ball)
Quickly make your way to your bench
HAND your stick to the next person on the bench
Join the end of the bench and wait to get back on
Bench players
The person closest to your net is next in line to enter play
The role you play (chaser or beater) will be determined by the colour stick you are handed by the person on your team who is handing it to you
Sometimes you might be a chaser while other times you might be a beater
You are safe from opponents hitting you with a dodgeball for the first 5 seconds after you end the field of play
When in play, the quadball stick must always be between your legs with one hand on it at ALL TIMES
Chasers and keepers CANNOT interact with dodgeballs
Beaters CANNOT interact with the volleyball
Chasers CANNOT block a dodgeball with the volleyball
All players CANNOT;
Use their stick to hurt or impede an opponent
Enter the goalies crease with possession of a ball
Push or make aggressive body contact with an opponent
Have themselves skipped on the bench because they don't want a certain coloured stick (next person on the bench automatically takes the next stick handed to them regardless of the colour)
Referee’s have full authority. Any arguing a call or whining will result in an immediate penalty. Please ensure you have read and understand the Player & Parent Contracts.